If you do not know what bandwidth theft means, then PLEASE read this entire page BEFORE you take an image from this site. IMPORTANT! Please upload images to your own server. Please do not reference them directly from this site. Images used on your site or page must be saved to your computer and server and not referenced in your html code to the images located on our server. Making IMG calls to images located on our site from your html documents is considered bandwidth theft. Please do not use our image URLs, please use your own. To clarify this in case you do not understand, don't write your html code like this... Save the image file you are using to your own server and write your html code like this instead... Right clicking on an image and then going to properties, highlighting the URL address, copying and then pasting the image URL into a forum page, message board, auction, web site or any place on the web is bandwidth theft. You should choose "Save As" and save it in your computer. Then find a host that will allow you to upload it to their server and give you an URL address of your own to use. Perhaps you do not have a server. In that case here are places that will host your images for you for free or for very reasonable fees. Click their names to visit their image hosting sites. Photo Bucket | Free Image Hosting Info | Image Sticky For WebTV users, please click below for a Transloader and Transloader help. What is Bandwidth? Below is a list of links to help you explain it to them: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pines/4210/bandwidth.html http://autumnweb.com/Roxys/directlinking.html http://altlab.com/hotlinking.html http://www.buffyguide.com/extras/picuse.shtml http://www.georgerabe.com/help/linking.htm http://www.superdrewby.com/bandwidththeft.shtml https://foxtrotters.tripod.com/bndwdth.htm or this: http://www.foxtrotting.com And something like this for image URLs: https://foxtrotters.tripod.com/smbndwdth.gif IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not want to be embarrassed by one of the signs below showing up on your site instead of the image you have displayed, then DO NOT use our image URLs. Periodically, we change our image's names and replace them with one of these. If you are using our URLs instead of your own, a "Bandwidth Theft" sign may show up on your site when you least expect it. We have a site tracker and logs that show us the exact pages where our images are being displayed. Sites stealing bandwidth will be reported to their website, message board, email and/or auction host service providers! Please read their rules, and terms of service. Most of them suspend members permanently for bandwidth theft. Please consider this a forewarning. Please upload images to your own server. Please DO NOT use our image URL on your pages. It is not our goal in life to embarrass you. If you have read this page and you still do not know what bandwidth theft is, then please do not use our graphics. Thank you! Please read our Copyright © and Terms of Use pages. |