![]() Click here if you're stuck in someone else's frames. Welcome to the Cowboy Up Wrangler WebRing. This ring was designed to promote all that is related to the world of the Great American Cowboy. We welcome sites about anything country &/or western, country music, as well as equestrian, farm, horse and ranch sites. If you have a site relating to the Cowboy Up Wrangler WebRing, this ring welcomes you and hopes you will join us in promoting the cowboy way of life. This is a FREE service! Webrings are a great concept for promoting websites free of charge. Conceived and developed to unite sites having similar content, sites are linked together to create a "Ring". This allows browsers on the Internet to find country western sites quickly and easily, rather than scanning through pages and pages of miscellaneous related sites generated by search engines. This is a great way to gain exposure for your site. On any WebRing, similar sites are grouped together in rings and each site is linked to another by a simple navigation bar, (navbar). Rings are created and maintained by the Ring Master, who determines the look and feel of the ring, approves content, and encourages others to join. Sites containing nudity, profanity, or any kind of "adults only" material will be rejected. To join this ring, click here. Fill in the form that appears with the URL, title, and description of your site. Your application to join the Ring will be sent to the Ring Master, who will approve or deny your application. You will be notified of the Ring Master's decision via email. When
you install the navigation bar code (navbar) on your page. Be sure to use the exact URL (web page address) you entered on the application form.
If you plan to place the ring's navbar code on a webring or link page, instead
of your homepage, then please list that webring or link page URL when you submit your site.
The Ring Master may not approve your application unless you have the navbar installed on the page URL you submitted. Even if the Ring Master approves your site, it will not be added to the actual ring until the navbar has been added to your page.
![]() Please submit the exact URL of the page on which the ring's navbar will appear. READY TO SUBMIT? click here: Submit The navbar looks like the one below. This one is completely functional, so give it a try by clicking on "next" or "previous".
This ring uses the WebRing's auto-management tool, which means it is automatically regularly checked.... Auto-Management: Sites with broken navigation bar (navbar) codes are automatically suspended and those with working navbars are automatically activated. Suspended sites will be sent to the queue, (or waiting area). Auto-Management: Suspended sites are automatically deleted if they remain suspended for a period of 60 days. To stay in the ring you must correct the problem within 60 days, or your site will be permanently deleted from the ring queue. If your site is automatically deleted then you are welcome to resubmit it and start again. Broken navbar codes are automatically suspended and those with working navbar codes are automatically activated. Your site should remain in the ring with no problems as long as the code remains in place on the exact page you submitted. Hold your left mouse key down across the body of the navbar to highlight it. Then release the key - click "edit" on your browser's toolbar and select "copy." Place mouse pointer at the insertion point of your document, (where you want the navbar to go) and click. Then go back to "edit" on your browser's toolbar and click "paste." The "cut & paste" moves the entire Navbar at once. Still having problems with cut & paste? Try clicking here. Please help us promote the cowboy way of life and this ring by placing a text link to us on your site using the following code. Thanks! The Ring Master reserves the right to reject and/or remove any sites from the ring that do not meet the criteria or any sites that contain nudity, "adult's only" material, or profanity of any sort. The Ring Master is not responsible for the content of any pages in this ring and does not endorse any pages or sites in this ring.
If you are having problems adding your ring code please ask a friend or a professional to add the code to your page for you. Please do not underestimate the power of having someone else solve your HTML problems quickly, painlessly, and cheaply. Thank-you for your interest!
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